Panchakarma support

Our organization, NPO Vedabeejam, leverages our connections with Ayurvedic hospitals in India to provide information and handle procedures for those who wish to receive Panchakarma or relaxing treatments locally.

We would like to introduce you to a hospital located in Pune, Maharashtra, where Marathi, Hindi, and English are commonly spoken. We also provide interpretation and translation services.

Features of Ayurvedic treatment

Modern medicine is allopathic therapy. For example, for lower back pain or knee pain, it aims to alleviate the symptoms by taking painkillers or giving injections.

On the other hand, Ayurveda explores the causes of pain. Along with treating the pain, it aims to restore your physical condition and preventing recurrence by removing the causative factors and strengthening the weakened areas. Although it may sometimes take time, it places importance on achieving harmony and balance in the mind and body through fundamental solutions, so it is also necessary to review the diet and lifestyle habits that may be the cause.

According to this theory, properly performed purification treatment removes toxins, waste products, and the roots of disease, so it is said that resulting in improved skin luster, anti-aging, improved sensory function, stability of body tissues and mental health, and improved digestion and immunity.

Model of sweating method
Treatment by applying herbal paste

Ayurvedic hospital treatment programs in India

There are two main types of treatment programs.

1. Panchakarma (purification therapy)

Treatments such as vamana (emetic method), virechana (phlegmation method), basti (enema method), nasya (nasal method), and Raktamokshana (bloodletting method) are performed systematically based on the doctor’s judgment to improve the internal health of the body. It is a method of purifying the body by eliminating toxins and imbalances that have accumulated in the body. There are seasons when treatment is not possible depending on the symptoms. Even after treatment, it is necessary to maintain a proper diet to maintain a cleansed body.

2.General treatment (wellness treatment)

In many cases, sufficient effects can be obtained just by maintaining healthy digestion, taking appropriate exercise, and performing the so-called oil massage snehana (oil method) and svedana (sweating method), which are performed as pretreatment for panchakarma. The effects can be particularly enhanced by using medicated oils tailored to your symptoms.

Treatment room waiting for patients
Doctors and nurse preparing the necessary treatment in the room

BSDT Panchakarma Center in Waghori

Here are the hospitals we can introduce to you.


(Bharatiya Sanskriti Darshan Trust: BSDT)

Hospital main entrance
Arbor in front of the entrance

The 63-acre plot of land in Wagholi, Pune, Maharashtra, houses an Ayurvedic hospital and a Western medicine hospital, as well as temples, samadhi, an Ayurvedic pharmacy, a cow shed, and an organic farm are scattered. The BSDT was established in 1954 with the aim of disseminating the ancient culture of India from this land to the world. Panchakarma at this hospital will start from 2 weeks.

Treatment at Panchakarma Hospital

Introductory video of Panchakarma Center created by BSDT

Treatment at Waghori Ayurvedic Hospital

The procedure from applying to returning to your home country will generally be as follows.

1.Contact the hospital that you would like to stay
2.Send a medical questionnaire with your chief complaint (symptoms that bother you) and medical history to the hospital and schedule a video interview
3.By video interview (approximately 15 minutes), the doctor will examine you based on the documents and decide whether treatment is possible or not.
4. Once you have decided to travel, confirm the date and arrange the plane ticket.
5. Prepare the necessary documents and belongings.
6. The day before the treatment date, you will be arriving to Wagori and admitted to the hospital, where you will be examined again (approximately 20 minutes).
7. You will receive treatment while performing the necessary tests from the first day of the treatment day.
8. You will be discharged from the hospital and return to your home country.
9. You will be given a diet for a while.

Communication with the hospital, such as filling out medical questionnaires, video interviews, explanations of tests and treatment policies after admission, and communication during hospital rounds will basically be in English. If you do not have any problems communicating in English, please contact the site directly and let them know your wishes.

In addition, this is a hospital where Dr. Sadananda Saradeshmukh, one of India’s best pulse diagnostic doctors, who has been regarded as a teacher by Ms.Makiko Sato of Satvik Ayurveda School for many years, is the director of this hospital. There is also a Panchakarma experience program held twice a year where Ms.Sato herself accompanies you, so if you are worried about going alone, please check that out. In addition, you can purchase a treatment guidebook created by her locally. If you are traveling alone, we recommend that you use this option.

Immediately responds to minor symptoms such as nasal congestion
Blood pressure and physical condition are checked during morning and evening rounds.

Japanese language support for those undergoing Panchakarma treatment

On the other hand, if you want to travel to India on your own schedule, if you want to read the necessary materials in Japanese instead of English, if you need an interpreter for the interview in English, if it’s your first time in India and you’re concerned about cultural customs, if you’re looking for Ayurvedic treatment, if this is your first experience with the test and you have any concerns, etc please contact us. The online support we can provide will be as follows, following the process from the above application to returning home.

○Communication between hospitals
○Translation of medical questionnaires
○Interpretation of video interviews and medical interviews
○Advice on travel preparations and schedules
○Explanation of necessary documents and items to bring
○Required Arranging a taxi
○Contacting the necessary information for the test
○Explaining symptoms to the doctor
○Helping you purchase Ayurvedic products

If you need full support from the initial application to returning home, or if you have already been to Waghori, or if you are a repeat Panchakarma visitor and only need partial support such as interpreting for interviews, please contact us. Please feel free to contact us.

Please note that our corporation is not a travel agency, and therefore cannot arrange flight tickets, local transportation, accommodation facilities, or any other activities that would violate travel agency laws.

If you need full support from the initial application to returning home, or if you have already been to Waghori, or if you are a repeat Panchakarma visitor and only need partial support such as interpreting for interviews, please feel free to contact us.

Please note that our organization is not a travel agency, and therefore cannot arrange flight tickets, local transportation, accommodation facilities, or any other activities that would violate travel agency laws.

Ayurvedic doctors and nurses check medical records
An example of hospital food that was praised highly.

Learn about Panchakarma treatment at Wagholi

The post when I actually had Panchakarma in July 2024 has been posted on instagram and note, so please read it for your reference. Also, Ayurveda Everyday posted Panchakarma about MOMO’s treatment experience, so please refer to it. I hope you understand the details of Panchakarma.

Impressions of those who received Panchakarma at Wagholi

The following is a text written on social media by a person who received Panchakarma at Wagholi (we received permission to repost it here). Please take a look.

[After completing Panchakarma]

After staying in India for one month, I returned to Japan. The Panchakarma treatment was supposed to last three weeks, but it was extended by four days, making it a total of 25 days. Every day I concentrated on eating and excreting.

It was a very rewarding experience.

First, as a result, my body, which had been in “poor condition”, improved to the point where I could say it was in “great condition”.

Before I had headaches, stiff shoulders, neck and lower back pain, and indigestion that made me feel like something hard was stuck in my body had disappeared, and what surprised me most was that my blood test outcome had so much changed. It was a dramatic improvement.

My body is light, my eyes are clear, and is so fluffy that I feel like a baby again from the inside.

Exactly [REBORN]

This spring, I heard about something called Panchakarma at an Indian cooking class in Kyoto that I had been taking since last year.

I have almost no knowledge of Ayurveda, but for some reason, at that moment, I instinctively thought, “This is something I must go to” and I immediately decided to go there.

Of course, at my age, I was prepared for the possibility that I would be diagnosed with a major illness or become unwell after I left, and in that case I would have no choice but to be deported or have my family come to pick me up. In fact, I’m really happy that I was in great shape and was able to reach the goal all the way to the end.

Even so, Ayurveda is truly profound and its worldview is astounding. A world where classics and science are fused, which is also philosophy, and is also connected to cosmology and astrology. The traditional medicine of ancient India, which is said to be over 5,000 years old, has been passed down as a medicine that is still valid in modern times.

Ayurvedic medical license is a national qualification in India, and Dr. Sadananda, who is a chairman of this hospital, is one of the top doctors in India. Many medical students came to study at the hospital, and on days when Dr. Sadananda had consultations, the waiting room was overflowing with patients.

Ayurvedic treatment focuses on the individual’s constitution and what is currently happening to the person, and seeks to find the cause of the symptoms and solve the problem, which is different from Western medicine. treatment.

Ayurvedic medicine has a long history of 5,000 years, which is integrated with the movements of celestial bodies such as seasons and days of the week, using the power of medicinal herbs to detoxify the body from unnecessary substances, and in some cases using medical leeches to draw out bad blood. It was filled with wisdom accumulated over many years of history.

What impressed me the most was what the doctor told me on the day I prayed in samadhi on a full moon night during my stay.

Humans tend to desire desires such as wanting a car, money, and living in a spacious house, but…

[Being born as a human being is the greatest blessing]

We have an original mission as humans, and it is important to pray for a healthy body so that we can fulfill that mission to the fullest.

In other words, Panchakarma is a place where you can use the wisdom of Ayurveda to make your body healthy and start living your original mission.

Just as the world is in the middle of Panchakarma, I am also experiencing Panchakarma at this timing. Letting go of unnecessary things not only from your body but also from your mind and thoughts is the starting point.

A trip to India reminded me once again of the eternal theme of how we should live, even though we are born, we live, and in the end we disappear.

I already feel nostalgic for Dr. Sadananda, the team of doctors, and the mice at BSDT’s Ayurved hospital. Thank you for keeping me healthy.

Lastly, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Momo-sensei from Tososha @tososha.momo in Kyoto for making this opportunity possible, to Chiko-san from @vedabeejam for her kind support, and to everyone who made friends there. Thank you very much.

thank you very much.

<Reposted from Ms.K’s SNS>

Testimonials from people who received Panchakarma’s Japanese language support

We have summarized the comments of people who have received support from our organization so far.

“This time, with the support of Veda Beejam, I was able to have a warm and wonderful stay.

I have never had any anxiety about English itself. However, it was my first time visiting in India, and I was always struggling to understand Indian English, so I requested support.

Is it really necessary though? I thought so, but when I talked to doctors on a video call before I left, I thought to myself that I was lucky to have support!

Not only I did not understand Indian English, but I realized that I didn’t know any words related to the body.

Also, when I arrived at India I got used to English within a week, but the best thing about receiving support was other things. The reason for this was that the people who supported us had knowledge not only about Ayurveda and Panchakarma here, but also about the underlying ideas Indian people are valued, such as their culture and customs.

I felt that in India, it is more important to trust the other person and express own opinion, rather than respecting the other person and holding back. I was very satisfied that I was able to spend my time with peace of mind, knowing that there was someone I could talk to about my health at any time, whether it was good or bad.

thank you very much! ”

Ms. E (40s) English: Able to speak for business Treatment period: 3 weeks Support received: Full support

“This was my second stay at Panchakarma, but I was more worried about the language than the treatment itself, so I asked for full support this time.

Since the last time in 2017, the facilities within the hospital have become much better, and I was often surprised by the new system. At times like that, I was always able to consult with the full support service on LINE. I was very grateful.

Basically, young doctors use their smartphones to help with translation apps, but it is difficult to convey the fine nuances that are unique to Japanese people.

Since it was Panchakarma at BSDT, I think it was a good idea to eliminate the language anxiety so that I could have a comfortable stay and maximize the therapeutic effect.

Thank you for your kind support!

Thanks to you, it was the most memorable stay I have ever had. I would like to use it again. ”

Ms. A (40s): English: Can speak broken English Treatment period: 3 weeks Support received: Full support

“The reason I decided to use the support program this time was due to a mysterious technical situation in which my inquiry email to BSDT was somehow rejected.

After searching for a solution on the internet, I realized that it was a problem with the system used by BSDT, so I decided to ask for help after hearing about this support service.

Although I had visited India before on a tour, this was my first time to receive a full-fledged Panchakarma or to travel alone in India, so even though I was just going directly from home to the Panchakarma Center without stopping anywhere, it was very reassuring to have a support program.

Also, it was very helpful to be able to ask questions and clarify things I didn’t understand beforehand, such as how to receive Panchakarma and what was needed on site. She taught me a lot of things, not just Panchakarma, but also cultural things and tips for planning a trip.

I think Veda Beejam’s support program is perfect for those who want to undergo full-fledged Panchakarma but are not comfortable going alone.

In addition, BSDT’s Panchakarma is a little different from what you would find at a so-called luxury resort facility, but it is a place where you can receive reliable treatment based on proper knowledge, as it also has a treatment clinic and university that are used by many local people. . Many Japanese people visit here, and because of the authentic treatment, so many repeat patients can be here.”

Ms. T (50s) English: Fluent Treatment period: 2 weeks Support received: Partial support until arriving

Dedicated to Panchakarma treatment in India

The main purpose of our support is to reduce the complexity of procedures due to differences in language, culture, and lifestyle, and to provide necessary information in advance to those who wish to receive treatment at Panchakarma Hospital in India. Our goal is to eliminate your worries and allow you to focus on your treatment and become healthy with peace of mind.

Ayurvedic treatment is a customized treatment tailored to each individual based on a doctor’s diagnosis. We will support you to receive the most appropriate treatment for each individual, so if you are interested, please contact us by filling out the necessary information in the inquiry form below.

We will inform you of the materials in the accommodation manual that you should read before receiving treatment, as well as a video introducing the hospital.

Inquiries regarding general Panchakarma treatment